Behind the scenes at Stérilor
Behind the scenes at STÉRILOR
Stérilor, an automatic water treatment pioneer since 1985, offered solutions combining quality and ease of use right from the start.
Since then, Stérilor teams have continued to improve our products and consumables, constantly seeking solutions to make our appliances increasingly effective, natural, reliable… and simple.
Your Stérilor automated treatment releases you from the chore of cleaning your pool.
Depend on it and enjoy clean water every time you want or need it.
Our solutions are designed, assembled and tested in our workshop in the heart of the Gard region of France, not far from Montpellier.
Appliances, cells, components, and accessories are subject to the greatest possible care in their design, choice of raw materials and quality controls carried out on our production site.
The Stérilor brand is 100% French and a guarantee of quality far beyond our borders.